“The way to culture”
Call Us:(404)808-3268
Instructor: Yuri Miyoshi
Class: Monday
@ 6:00pm ~ 7:30pm
(one hour from your arrival)
Calligraphy set provided for class
Penmanship also available
Please contact us to receive the first time trial class for free.
Tel: 415-85-SHODO (74636)
Yuri first learned Japanese calligraphy at the age of 7.
After many years of dedicated practice, she mastered Gagou (雅号, Calligraphy master name) "Rika" (梨華). Since 2004, Yuri has been working commercially with Japanese calligraphy. Her skill is demonstrated by the diversity of her clientele. Having her work used in a restaurant logo in Kyoto, Japan. As well as company logos, book covers, tattoo design, and Japanese baby name calligraphy called Meimeisho. Yuri started teaching Japanese calligraphy at Bunkado in November 2011.